21 May، 2024

The head of the History Department takes part in the discussion of a PhD’s thesis at Samarra University

The head of the History Department takes part in the discussion of a PhD’s thesis at Samarra University

Professor Dr. Nayef Muhammad Shibeeb, Head of the History Department at the College of Arts, took part in discussing a Ph.D. thesis at the College of Education/University of Samarra, entitled ‘The Seljuks in the Studies of the French Orientalist Claude Kahn 1909-1991’ submitted by student Zainab Ashraf Kamel.

The discussion committee consisted of:

Prof. Dr. Abdul Basset Mustafa Majeed, Chairman

Prof. Dr. Nayef Muhammad Shabib, member

Prof. Dr. Osama Abdel Hamid Hussein

Asst. Prof. Dr. Fayyad Ahmed Za’ayyan

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nour Al-Huda Faiq Muhammad

Prof. Dr. Ghazwa Shihab Ahmed, member and supervisor



