23 May، 2024

A doctoral thesis at the College of Arts on (Knowledge diversity in light of social media and its repercussions on youth – a social field study in the city of Mosul).

The department of Sociology at the College of Arts at the University of Mosul discussed the doctoral thesis titled (Knowledge diversity in light of social media and its repercussions on youth – a social field study in the city of Mosul), on Thursday, May, 23rd, 2024. Part of it was attended by a number of college professors and postgraduate students. The thesis, submitted by the student (Nour Taha Sultan) addressed the topic of knowledge diversity and the channels and factors affecting young people’s receipt of their knowledge through social media as well as the repercussions of such reception and interaction with these means of communication that interfered with the smallest details of our daily lives. As after we were influenced and not influential by the traditional means of communication, we have become influential and influenced by the modern means of communication. Which was reflected in most aspects of our psychological, social and cognitive lives.
The discussion committee was chaired by:
Professor Dr. Nadia Sabah Mahmoud from the College of Arts / University of Mosul.
And the membership of:
Professor Dr. Harith Ali Hassan from the College of Arts / University of Mosul.
And Professor Dr. Aram Ibrahim Hussein from the College of Arts / Salahaddin University.
And Assistant Professor Dr. Hatem Younis Mahmoud from the College of Arts / University of Mosul.
And Assistant Professor Dr. Reem Ayoub Muhammad from the College of Arts / University of Mosul.
And Assistant Professor Dr. Ibtihal Abdel-Jawad Kazem from the College of Arts / University of Mosul, member and supervisor.



