29 May، 2024

An MA Thesis at the Department of Arabic on (The Nature in the Poetry of Ibn Al-thaheer Al-Arbili, 677 H.)

The Arabic Department at the College of Arts, Mosul university held a viva session to examine an MA thesis entitled “The Nature in the Poetry of Ibn Al-Thaheer Al-Arbili, 677 H.) in Ibn Al-Atheer Hall.
The session was attended by the teaching staff members and post-graduate students.
The thesis by Hanin Nahidh Yahya Al-I’nizi tackled the importance of Ibn Al-Thaheer Al-Arbili (677 H.) to the poetic movement in the seventh century and his direct influence on the literary, scientific and educational arena.The poet left behind a huge literary and poetic heritage of different themes that indicates his ability to compose, comprehend, and collect. He is considered as one of the major poets of that century who invested nature in poetry.

The viva session was presided by
Professor Dr. Mikdad Khalil Qasim Al Khatoni of University of Mosul , College of Arts and the membership of
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Ghanim Saadalla of University of Mosul, College of Arts
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jerjes Akoub Abdullah Al Rashidi of University of Mosul, College of Arts.
Membership and supervision of prof. Dr. Faris Yaseen Mohammed of University of Mosul, College of Arts.

