2 June، 2024

A doctoral thesis at the College of Arts on: (Social anxiety and its Repercussions on the Personality of the Iraqi Individual – a Field Study in the City of Erbil).

A doctoral thesis at the College of Arts on: (Social anxiety and its Repercussions on the Personality of the Iraqi Individual – a Field Study in the City of Erbil).
The Department of Sociology at the College of Arts at the University of Mosul discussed the doctoral thesis entitled: (Social Anxiety and its Repercussions on the Personality of the Iraqi Individual – A Field Study in the City of Erbil) on Sunday, 6/2/2024. Part of it was attended by a number of college professors and postgraduate students. The thesis, presented by Saad Bakr Gharib, addressed the phenomenon of social anxiety in Iraqi society, specifically in the society of the city of Erbil.
As the many changes and events that Iraq has witnessed as well as the instability during the past fifty years played an important role in shaping the Iraqi character. Such events also led to the spread of a state of collective societal anxiety in Iraqi society, and the city of Erbil and its society had a large share of such events that affected the composition and construction of the personality in a way that had some special aspects, both on the surface and the underlying aspect of the personality of the society of this city.
The discussion committee was chaired by:
Professor Dr. Firas Abbas Fadhil from the College of Arts, University of Mosul.
And the membership of:
Assistant Professor Dr. Abdullah Khurshid Abdullah from the College of Arts, Salahaddin University.
And Assistant Professor Dr. Enas Muhammad Aziz from the College of Arts, University of Mosul.
And Assistant Professor Dr. Iman Hamadi Rajab from the College of Arts, University of Mosul.
And Assistant Professor Dr. Nibal Fawzi Mahmoud from the College of Arts, University of Mosul.

And Assistant Professor Dr. Shallal Hameed Suleiman from the College of Arts, University of Mosul, member and supervisor.

