2 June، 2024

A PhD dissertation at the Department of Translation (Translation of Arabic Identity Markers in Al-Mu’allaqat into English)

The Department of Translation/College of Arts/University of Mosul has discussed a PhD dissertation, entitled (Translation of Arabic Identity Markers in Al-Mu’allaqat into English), on the 2nd of June 2024, at Ibn Al-Atheer Hall.
The viva was attended by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ali Mohamed Afeen, Dean of the College, a number of Members of Faculty of the college and the department, as well the postgraduate students.
The study submitted by Ayad Taha Mahmood Al-Jubouri aims at exploring the concept of Arabic and English identity and its relationship with translation. Since the ultimate goal of translation sometimes goes beyond meaning, translation of Arabic identity markers in Al-Mu’allaqat into English keeps cultural diversity among societies and nations, as well as bridging communication and understanding among different cultures. So, maintaining identity in translation is a way of social peace and stability.
This study adopts an eclectic model. De Fina’s (2003) model of identity analysis is adopted to analyze identity at three levels (lexical, textual, social). Venuti’s (1995) model of foreignization and domestication translation strategies is adopted, too, to assess the translation at ethical and discursive levels. Four English translations of Al-Mu’allaqat are selected. 25 samples are randomly chosen to be discussed, analyzed and assessed based on the above-mentioned models.
The study concludes that translation of Arabic identity markers in Al-Mu’allaqat into English considers the Micro and Macro contexts. Any unjustifiable addition, omission or substitution of those markers may result in obliterating or even loosing the Arab identity. So, translation of Arabic identity markers in Al-Mu’allaqat into English keeps the differences between Arabic and English. Hence, richness in difference and the latter spoils no identity in translation.
The discussion committee consists of:
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Basil Qasim (Chiarman)/ Al-Noor University
Prof. Dr. Mazin Fawzi Ahmed (Member)/ College of Basic Education/University of Mosul
Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman Ahmed Abdulrahman (Member)/ College of Arts/ University of Mosul
Prof. Dr. Yasir Yonus Abdulwahid (Member)/ College of Arts/ University of Mosul
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Nihad Ahmed (Member) / College of Arts/ University of Mosul
Prof. Dr. Luqman Abdulkarim Nasir (Member and Supervisor).


