5 June، 2024

An MA Thesis Was Examined at the Dept. of Arabic Language entitled ” Dictionary of the Orientalists who studied Arabic literature”

A viva session has been held at the College of Arts, on Wednesday 5th of June 2024 to examine an MA thesis entitled ” Dictionary of the Orientalists who studied Arabic literature” . The session has been attended by the dean of the College of Arts Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ali Ufen and a number of academics and post-graduate students.
The thesis by Noor Mahmood Al-Jubouri of the Arabic Department is the first specialized lexicological work at the College of Arts on the orientalist studies of the Arabic literature presented by nearly 540 orientalists. This dictionary is intended to help researchers detect and explore the orientalists’ studies dispersed in different difficult-to-reach resources.
The study is methodologically well organized; it depends on the alphabetical order with an appendix of the orientalists’ efforts according to the literary The viva session was presided by by Prof. Dr. Sharif Bashir Ahmed of University of Mosul, College of Arts and the membership of
Asst. Prof. Dr. Muzaffar Hussein Ali of University of Mosul, College of Arts.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Qais Omar Muhammad, and the membership and supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Faris Aziz Al-Mudaris of University of Mosul, College of Arts.

