13 June، 2024

Ph.D. thesis in the Department of History on: Turkish Soft Power Towards Central Asia.

Today, June 13, 2024, the College of Arts at the University of Mosul discussed a Ph.D. thesis in modern history on: ‘Turkish soft power towards Central Asia and the South Caucasus 1991-2011’. The discussion was attended by the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Munir Salem Taha Al-Badrani, Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Wahid Mahmoud Al-Ibrahimi, and a number of teaching staff members and postgraduate students.
The study presented by Mishaal Abdullah Zahir Al-Jarba aimed to shed light on an important geographical region in the world that has political and economic influences on international policy, which is the Central Asian region, whose countries became independent following the collapse of the Soviet Union and their emergence on the international political stage as independent countries, and the increasing phenomenon of international competition for it, including Turkey.
The study focused on the soft power method employed by Turkey to create strategic influence in this region, starting from the historical depth that links the Turks to them as a common Turkish nationality, in addition to other aspects.
The study was divided into four chapters, in addition to the introduction and conclusion. The first chapter included a geographical and historical introduction to the region, while the second chapter dealt with the concept of the term ‘soft power’ and the stages of its development and use in foreign policy. The third chapter dealt with the use of soft power towards the countries of Central Asia, while the fourth chapter focused on the countries of the South Caucasus.
The discussion committee consisted of:
– Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Muhammad Afeen / College of Arts / University of Mosul. (Chairman)
And membership of:
– Prof. Dr. Firas Saleh Khader / College of Education for Human Sciences / University of Tikrit. – Prof. Dr. Saad Abdul Aziz Al-Musalat / College of Arts / University of Mosul.
– Prof. Dr. Hashem Abdul Razzaq Saleh / College of Arts / University of Mosul.
– Asst. Professor Dr. Amira Ismail Muhammad / Peace Establishing Center / University of Mosul.
– Prof. Dr. Nasiba Abdul Aziz Abdullah / College of Arts / University of Mosul. (member and supervisor)

