24 June، 2024

A PhD dissertation at the Department of Translation (The Translation of English Declaration Speech Acts of United Nations Charter into Arabic )

A PhD dissertation at the Department of Translation (The Translation of English Declaration Speech Acts of United Nations Charter into Arabic )
The Department of Translation/College of Arts/University of Mosul has discussed a PhD dissertation, titled ( The Translation of English Declaration Speech Acts of United Nations Charter into Arabic ), on the 24 of June 2024, at the Ibn Al-Atheer Hall.
The discussion has been attended by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ali Mohamed Afeen, The Dean of the College, a number of Members of Faculty of the college and the department, as well the postgraduate students.
The study submitted by Osama Misbah Mahmood Al-Hamdani aims at
1. Studying and translating a number of English declaration speech acts, which are
taken from the United Nations charter.
2. Setting some felicity conditions and deriving some semantic rules so as to
determine the validity of the acts under discussion.
3. Rendering the chosen different acts from English into Arabic in to see how
they are realized in Arabic and to see the differences between the
English and Arabic texts.

4. Selecting the most tactful rendering by the subjects or proposing new rendering in
case of subjects‟ failure, provided that the rendering is compatible with the source
language text.
5. Seeing to what extent explicit speech acts are used with performative verbs or
nominal performative markers.

The discussion committee consists of:
Prof. Dr. Luqman Abdul Kareem Nasir(Chairman)/ Mosul University
Prof. Dr. Hala Khalid Najim (Member)/ College of Arts /University of Mosul
Prof. Dr Salim Yahya Fathi (Member)/ College of Arts/ University of Mosul
Prof. Dr. Shifaa Hadi Hussein (Member)/ College of Arts/ University of Tikreet
Prof. Dr. Shuaeb Saeed Abdul Fatah (Member) / College of Education / University of Mosul
Dr. Najat Abdul Rahman Hassan(Member and Supervisor).


