19 February، 2014
A Viva of An M.A. Thesis in English Language
A Viva of An M.A. Thesis in English Language and Linguistics(Investigating The Role of EFL Teachers in Developing Students' Cultural Awareness at University Level).An M.A. Thesis in English Language and Linguistics presented by Ahmed Abdelwahid Muhmmed. Supervised by Asst Prof .Dr. Hussian Ali Ahmed English Dept.Univ.of Mosul ,has been discussed in its content by the Examining Committee composed of Asst. Dr.Nahida Taha Majeed (TikritUniv.),Asst.Prof. Dr.Yousif Hamdi Fathi (Mosul Univ.) and Asst .Prof .Dr. Shuʿayb Saieed Abdelftah (Mosul Univ. ).Due to his defence and in the opinion of the committee the thesis is adequate for the degree of Master of Arts in English Language and Linguistics , grade (Excellentdegree).