11 March، 2014

Examined on her thesis

The student Doa'a Ayad Sheet has been examined on her thesis entitled (Bano Younis and their Scietific Efforts in Egypt) o Feb. 19, 2014. The viva was held at Ibn Al-Atheer Hall, College of Arts. The examining committee consists of the following scholars:1. Prof. Dr. Khaleel Ibraheem Jasim / Chairman.2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdulqadir M. Younis / Member.3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Faris M. Thanoon / Member.4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ghanim A. Khalaf / Member and Supervisor.The committee has highly evaluated the work of the student and granted her the M.A. degree with an (Excellent) average.

