21 May، 2024

Participation in an international conference – Amman – The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Dr. Huda Al-Halawji (Assistant Professor, English Department) participated in the international conference entitled “New Horizons in Language, Literature and Translation Studies Conference” held in Amman, Jordan in 20-21 of last April.
This international conference, co-organized by the Middle East University and the Association of Professors of English and Translation at Arab Universities (APETAU) (of which Dr. Al-Halawji has been a proud member since 2020), brought together scholars from across the region.
Dr. Al-Halawji presented her fascinating research titled: “From a tank top textile into a text: Fashion dress, Verbals, and Social Identity in Iraqi Young Adults Group”.
This innovative study analyzes the messages conveyed through clothing choices, specifically the texts printed on various clothes worn by Iraqi youth. Through this analysis, Dr. Al-Halawji sheds light on the social identities of these young adults.

