13 July، 2024

Professor in the College of Arts Published a New Book

Dr. Faris ‘Aziz Al-Mudaris, a lecturer in the Orientalism Unit, College of Arts, released his book at Ahwar Tarjamat Kitab Publishing House. He translated the book Beyond Freedom and Dignity by Frederic Skinner into Arabic. Frederic Skinner is an inventor and philosopher who specializes in behavior psychology. He was also the most influential in the twentieth century. The theme of the book is about the evolution of humankind and its decline. Skinner warns human beings of mistakes that could threaten his existence. The theme of the book is about the evaluation of humankind and its decline. Skinner warns human beings of mistakes that could threaten his existence and the most dangerous of them was his neglect of improving behavior and values and his focusing on natural sciences and technologies. Although the author did not devalue those applied sciences, he discussed the exaggerated efforts dedicated to them. The author believes that relying on technology only can not prevent nuclear wars, traditional wars, aggressions and poverty, unless we could change the circumstances that lead states to wage wars, i.e., changing behavior and taking care of values.

The author dealt with the concept of freedom, dignity, the penal system, and its relationship to building behavior. In all of this, he resorted to deriving examples from reality. Using the statements and ideas of many scholars.

The author’s style is characterized by simplicity. He used a lot of evidence and events. To demonstrate the validity of his opinions and fears. Therefore, the book is characterized by the simplicity, depth, and vitality of the topic.

