A Brief Overview of the Department-Dept. of Arabic

The Department of Arabic Language in Brief:
The Department of Arabic Language is one of the oldest departments in the College of Arts, and it is one of the first departments to be established in it. Its foundation dates back to 1969. Students spend four years in it to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Arabic language and literature.
As for the outputs of the Arabic Language Department in the Bachelor’s degree, they are based on graduating qualified students to engage in linguistic and literary research, as well as qualifying them to teach in the country’s various educational sectors, or to work in the field of media and linguistic correction.
​The department includes a private library for Arabic language students from the initial and postgraduate stages. The library also includes a reading room. The library allows for internal and external borrowing.
The department issued a magazine for the sciences and arts of the Arabic language, under the name (Tabsheer Magazine).