
Dr. Ahmed Taha

Dr. Ahmed Taha has accomplished a scientific assessment for the high Diplom entitled ( Using Programming Sample for Obtaining a Perfect Operating Policy – Applied Study) by Muhammed Munther Thakir / Computer Sciences and Mathematics


Dr. Ahmed Taha

Dr. Ahmed Taha has accomplished a scientific assessment for the high Diplom entitled ( Using Programming Sample for Obtaining a Perfect Operating Policy – Applied Study) by Muhammed Munther Thakir / Computer Sciences and Mathematics


Holds a training

The department of sociology holds a training course to develop the abilities of the personnel working at Ninawa juvenile directory from 23-27 August,presenting a variety of activities.Ten persons attended the training course representing Ninawa juvenile [Read More]


presented a lecture

The lecturer Imad Ismael presented a lecture entitled (Juvenile Misbehavoiur)of the first day of the training course ,showing the importance of eliminating the reasons leading to the growing of juvenile misbehavior.


delivered a lecture

The professorDr.Ali Ahmed Khudir delivered a lecture entiltled(Rights of Human and prisoners) on the second day of the training course showing the importance of taking into consideration rights of prisoners.

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