
araştırma yayını;

araştırma yayını;Doç.Rait Emir Abdullah iki tez yayınladı;a.Elyazılarının incelemesinde problemler (yanlış harekeleme ve tahrif örnek olarak). Katr El-Nede dergisi /Nicbeveyh merkezi-Fas(sayı14,2014)b. Alman oryantalistlerin islam arap elyazılarına karşı gösterdikleri çabalar) Musul Üniversitesi ,islami bilimler fakültesi dergisi(sayı 8 [Read More]



Choosing Dr. Mahmoud Saleh Ismail and Dr.Ammar Abdul LatifZein El Abidinearbitrators in the magaZein “Modern Science and Heritage “published in Sweden and available on the website


Evaluting a research

Evaluting a research paper entitled“Providing Ongoing Service Concerning the Facebook held in the library of the Technical Institute, Mosul“submitted by the researcher AmthalShehab, by Dr. Mahmoud Saleh Ismail and Dr. Ammar Abdul LatifZein El Abidine.


Acceptinga search

Acceptinga search for publicationentitled " Electronic Dictionaries Available Online along withexamplesof Arab and foreign Lexicon in the Journal ofAdab Al-Rafideinsubmitted by Wasan Sami Saadallah, lecturer.


Accepting a search

Accepting a search for publication entitled" Cloud Computing and its Importance for libraries and information centers " in the Journal of ofAdab Al-Rafidein submitted by Omar Tawfiq Abdel –Kader, Asst Lecturer and Noor Fares Al-Omary, [Read More]


Accepting a search

Accepting a search for publication entitled " Evaluating indexingDataduringLocal Publishing and the Possibility of their adoption in library catalogs: Index of Central Library at the University of Mosul as a model" in the Journal of [Read More]

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