
Dr. Abdullah Khlaif

Dr. Abdullah Khlaif has achieved language assessment of the thesis named (Strategic Drafting to Reform Administrative Information Systems Within the Frame Assessing the Capabilities of Communication and Information Technologies_ Case Study at Naynawa Health Headquarter) [Read More]


Dr. Faris Yaseen Mohammad

Dr. Faris Yaseen Mohammad has achieved language assessment to the dissertation named(Evaluation of hereditary features of sun flower by using single and triple hybridizing) by the student Hazim Salih AL_Jumayliy/ Agriculture and Forests College.


Dr. Khalid Hazim Idan

Dr. Khalid Hazim Idan has accomplished a linguistic assessment for the Diploma treatise ( Developing a Cluster Algorithm for the Deportable Retroactive Grids) by: Ro'aa Adnan Mahmood / College of Computer Sciences and Mathematics

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