1 September، 2020

MSc thesis discussion at Tishk University.

MSc thesis discussion at Tishk University.Participation of Asst.Prof.Dr. Zaid Burhan Al-Dewachi / Head of Department of Pedodontics, Orthodontics and Preventive Dentistry in a master’s thesis discussion at Tishk Private University. Within the framework of cooperation between the University of Mosul and private universities, Assistant Professor Dr. Zaid Burhan Al-Dewachi participated as a member of the examining Committee in the discussion of the master’s thesis of the student Sana Rizghar Obaid / Tishk Private University, entitled (Laboratory Evaluation of New EMax Orthodontic Brackets) (An Invitro Study). The student was discussed in the research topic, and the thesis was accepted after some modifications that were to be made.

