12 November، 2020

Meeting of the higher Committee for the e-learning platform in the College of Dentistry to prepare for the new academic year

The Higher Committee for e-Education Platform in the College of Dentistry held its first meeting headed by the Dean of the College, Asst. Prof. Dr. Rayan Salim Hamed, on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, to discuss preparations for the the new academic year.
During the meeting, the methods that the committee will follow in lectures and scientific content to be presented for the academic year 2020-2021 were discussed. It is worthy to note that the teaching system for the upcoming year will be an integrated education system in which there will be a blending between theoretical lectures, which will be electronic, and practical, in which students will attend while adhering to the means of prevention. The meeting also discussed the difficulties that accompanied the educational process during the past year due to COVID -19 lock down and to come up with teaching aids in order to ensure the smoothness and quality of the teaching process.
The session was attended by Dean assistant for Scientific Affairs and members of the committee.

