9 January، 2021

Message of the Dean of the College of Dentistry to first year students

Dear students who were admitted to the Faculty of Dentistry in the new academic year of 2020-2021 , we welcome you as you now take the first step on your way become dentists, relieve pain and make a smile. We congratulate you and your family for the result of your endeavor in the years of your primary studies, so that you will be accepted into a distinguished college concerned with health, beauty and function of the mouth, face and jaws. Today, the College of Dentistry welcomes you with its staff, laboratories, clinics and gardens, to plant in you first, an introduction to medical, biological, pharmaceutical, physiological, chemical, computer and other sciences in the branch of basic dental sciences, then to move you to its departments that deal with more specialized aspects from carving, treating and making teeth, then surgical aspects, operations, gum health, orthodontics, pedodontic dentistry and preventive dentistry. At the completion of our message, which is five years, we will bid you farewell . The College of Dentistry, known for its distinguished staff and its elegant organizers students, and known for its scientific, artistic and cultural activities, seeks to create a distinct personality for the future dentist combining science, mastery, art and good dealing with reviewers, so that you will be the best successor to the great dentists who have helped the country and the world with their experiences and knowledge. We have dozens of our colleagues who graduated from this college and currently are famous for their specializations in international universities in America and Europe .
We wish you the best of luck on your voyage at our college
Dr. Rayan Salem Hamed / Dean of the College of Dentistry.

