6 April، 2020

Holding 3rd virtual college council

The Council of the College of Dentistry held its third virtual session via the Internet using Meet apps. on 4/4/2020. During the meeting, they discussed important subjects related to the implementation of the e – learning system in the College, where the Dean of the College reviewed the most important instructions received from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and from the presidency of the University of Mosul, related to choosing the best methods for communicating information to students and using all possible ways to increase students’ enthusiasm and interaction with electronic classrooms, as well as improving the electronic performance of faculty members, as it was agreed to choose a number of teaching staff and computer engineers to do the organizing system. There are also a number of workshops for Teaching Staff in order to overcome the difficulties that may face and improve the performance of e – learning.
Emphasis was also placed on adhering to the instructions and treatments provided by the Ministry to overcome the difficult conditions and challenges experienced by the higher education sector in the light of the global suffering from the Covid19 pandemics.
The Council also discussed future plans for taking all precautionary and caution measures, increase the sterilization and hygiene procedures to protect College students, employees and patients from the risks of exposure to any form of injury or infection if life returns to normal conditions.

