29 September، 2020

Announcement of a scientific lecture

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Mosul, Prof. Dr. Qusay Al-Ahmadi, the support of the Dean of the College of Dentistry, Assistant Professor Dr. Rayan Salem Hamed, and the organization of Assistant Professor Dr. Zaid Burhan Al-Dewachi, Head of the Dept. of Pedodontics, Orthodontics and Preventive Dentistry, and within the framework of strengthening scientific communication and sharing knowledge and technical skills with universities and international research centers for postgraduate students and orthodontists in particular, the College of Dentistry, University of Mosul, will host Prof. Dr. Rita Baratela Thurlers, orthodontist and president of the Brazilian Orthodontic Society from Brazil in a lecture and workshop webiner entitled:
(Lingual Orthodontics & Mini-Screws in The Treatment of Class I) on Sunday, 2020, at 9 pm Baghdad local time and on Zoom platform.

