Women Affairs Unit (WAU)

The Women’s Affairs Unit is one of the most important units that seeks to eliminate all manifestations of discrimination against women through the mechanisms that help them to be self-reliant and empower them to develop more understanding and participation between men and women. From possessing the elements of economic and social power that enable them to be self-reliant, to continuously improve their conditions, and to participate in decision-making.


Activating the role of gender equality in a society where justice and equal opportunities prevail to achieve the fifth goal of the sustainable development goals (SDG).


The Women’s Affairs Unit is concerned with improving the status of Iraqi women, preserving their gains, and rooting a positive societal culture and a supportive national environment for their role through a participatory approach with all concerned parties.


1- The participation of women in leadership positions

2- The participation of women in public committees and sites

3- Providing women with a non-traditional education and training opportunity

4- Women’s participation in the decision-making process

5- Preparing all plans, programs and activities related to women and following up on their implementation

Mrs. Zeena Dhubyan Mohammed Zaki

M.Sc. – Lecturer

Member of the Women Affairs Unit

Email: [email protected]