Water Analysis

The environmental laboratory, which mainly includes water analyses, consists of a large and diverse group of devices and equipment. It analyzes various waters to determine their suitability for various uses, such as drinking, irrigation, and industrial purposes, by comparing the results with international standards. Waste water arising from various industries is also evaluated to indicate its conformity with local supply specifications. In addition, the laboratory performs the tests necessary to complete research on annual plans, as well as the consequences of advisory work carried out by members of the center’s staff. The most important water tests are:

Electrical conductivity (Ec)
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Phosphorus – Phosphate (PO4)
Nitrogen – Nitrate (NO3)
Sulfur – Sulphate (SO4)
Total solid (TS)
Dissolved Solid Impurities (D.S)
Suspended solid impurities (S.S)
Chloride salt (Cl-)
Total Hardness (H)
Calcium hardness (H)
Alkalinity (Alk)
Heavy elements
Oils and greases