22 October، 2020

Honoring the head of the Mining Engineering Department with the Medal of the Company for Sugar Industry / Mosul

Assistant Professor Dr. Kasim Yahya Rahawi, Head of the Mining Engineering Department at the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, honored with the Company’s High Medal and a letter of thanks and appreciation for the joint cooperation between the University of Mosul and the Ministry of Industry and Minerals / General Company for Food Products (sugar, yeast and medical alcohol factories in Mosul city) in the presence of Eng. Naim Abd Al-Rada Hussein, Assistant General Manager, and Eng. Simco Mustafa, Director of factories in 10/20/2020.Where the Medal of the Supreme Company was awarded to Assistant Professor Dr. Qassem Yahya Rahawi in fulfillment of the sincere effort he exerted for the elevation and supremacy of this economic edifice in addition to the letter of thanks and appreciation from the General Directorate of the company.Dr. kasim also presented a proposal to create a simplified line for the production of “ethyl alcohol” in sugar and yeast factories in the province of Mosul, and after obtaining approval for his nomination by the Presidency of the University of Mosul under the clause of joint cooperation between the University of Mosul and other ministries, the proposal was implemented and direct supervision was made over the installation of equipment, lines, devices and tanks.

