A PhD dissertation on vocative sentences with ya in Masabeeh Al-Sunna for Al-Baghawi (d. 516 AH) – Its Patterns an Connotations)d


A PhD dissertation entitled “ Vocative Sentences with “ya” in Masabeeh Al-Sunna for Al-Baghawi has been examined at the Department of Arabic , College of Arts, University of Mosul, on Thursday 27th of June 2024. The viva session has been attended by the dean of the College of Arts Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ali Ufin and a number of academics and post - graduate students The dissertation by Miqdad Abdullah Ibrahim Al Hassawi shows the vocative sentences with ya in Masabeeh Al- Sunna for Al-Baghawi (d. 516 AH) :Its patterns and connotations. The study aimed at finding a special type of sentences [Read More]