28 June، 2021

The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Basic Education holds a lecture on (writing) in cooperation with the Nineveh International Book Fair

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, the respected President of Mosul University and under the supervision of the Assistant Professor Dr. Safa Al-Din Abdullah Suleiman, the respected Dean of the College of Basic Education, the Continuing Education Unit, and within the cultural activities accompanying the Nineveh International Book Fair, was held at ten o’clock on Monday 28/6 and at Umm Al-Rabeein Hall a lecture Entitled (Writing in a Moment of Crisis) by Dr. Najman Yassin. Presented by Dr. Faisal Al-Qusiri. The session was moderated by Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Younis Saleh Al-Jeraisy. Dr. Najman spoke about his experience in writing during the difficult circumstances he went through, which made him challenge all the difficulties of life that he faced and did not discourage him from writing at any moment that passed him, and the guests were honored with the college shield by the Dean of the college.

