28 May، 2022

PhD thesis in the Department of Arabic Language on the stories and novels of Najman Yassin

The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Basic Education at the University of Mosul discussed the doctoral thesis of the student (Bashir Ibrahim Ahmed Owaid) tagged with (narrative space: Najman Yassin, a storyteller and a narrator) at Umm Al-Rabeein Hall on Thursday morning, on 04/28/2022. Part of it was attended by the assistant professor, Dr. Safaa Al-Din Abdullah Suleiman, Dean of the College of Basic Education and the Assistant of Scientific and Administrative Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Assem Adel Sabah and Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Younis Saleh Al-Jeraisy. The thesis was based on studying the stories of the Mosuli writer Najman Yassin and his novels with a preface and two chapters. The introduction included defining the concept of narrative space, and the first chapter was devoted to study (the elements of forming narrative space) with three sections on time, place and vision, while the second chapter studied (references of narrative space and its technologies) with four sections on references, thresholds, biographical space, and serological mental space. The discussion committee consisted of (Prof. Dr. Khalil Shukri Hayas) College of Education for Human Sciences / University of Al-Hamdaniya, Chairman of the Discussion Committee and its members (Prof. Arshad Yousef Abbas) College of Education for Human Sciences / University of Kirkuk and (Prof. Dr. Faiza) Muhammad Mahmoud) College of Basic Education / University of Mosul and (Prof. Dr. Salem Najm Abdullah) College of Basic Education / University of Mosul (Prof. Bassam Khalaf Suleiman) College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Mosul (Prof. Dr. Nabhan Hassoun Abdullah) member and supervisor.

