
workshop on on Erasmus+ Programs

On Sunday, February 25, 2024, the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations, Erasmus+ Unit at the University of Mosul, Held an introductory workshop on on "Erasmus+ Programs" for academic staff and fourth-stage students at the [Read More]


Distinguished international achievements of our esteemed university with a number of European universities with the support of Spark International Organization

Better higher education means better jobs! Under the Jobs & Perspectives Programme funded by Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we provide capacity building and experience sharing betweenUniversity of Twente, University of Antwerp &Erbil Polytechnic University& [Read More]


University of Mosul and an international development and cooperation program with Dutch universities

The strategy of the University of Mosul to develop international cooperation with reputable international universities is illustrated through various programs, one of which was, a visit to University of Twente in the Netherlands by a [Read More]


Ancient Mosul University offers short courses with varied specializations for its students and graduates in cooperation with the Dutch Spark Organization

Start of SPARK Summer Training Workshops at Mosul University The Qualification, Employment and Follow-up Division, in cooperation with the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations, headed by the Mosul University and SPARK Organization, held summer [Read More]

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