Vision, Message, and Goals

Department of Mechanical engineering


The department seeks to be one of the leading departments in the field of mechanical engineering in accordance with the latest approved scientific curricula and using the latest scientific teaching methods such as laboratories and modern teaching methods.


  1. Graduate engineers who arecompetent competence ofvarious mechanical engineering, which includes thefoundations ofmechanical design ,thermal capacity and different methods ofproduction, air conditioning and refrigeration to have them theability to creativity and innovation in various fields ofengineering and keep abreast ofscientific development.
  2. Provide practical and practical opportunities for students to see the principles ofscientific and engineering facts and not just thetheoretical side only through theestablishment of thelatest engineering laboratories and workshops equipped with thelatest types ofequipment and laboratory supplies and scientific establishment of thevarious sectors of the country.
  3. Provide thebest possibilities for students in order tobuild aspirit ofleadership inits graduatesby teaching them teamwork andoutstanding efforts tomobilize students to participate and contribute to thework ofstudent andurged students to creativity and innovation to achieve theneeds of thecommunity of engineers qualified mechanics.
  4. Holding seminars, scientific conferences, and training courses for the employees of all departments and the institutions of the various industrial sectors to familiarize them with the most prominent scientific and technological developments in order to enhance the efficiency and capacity of engineering cadres working in all sectors of community.


    1. Preparing theengineers in an integrated scientific, social and development ofhis love for thework ofscientific research and theability to creative thinking and teamwork collaborator inadditionto experience in theuse ofmodern technologies andindustrial applications.
    2. Preparing engineers to advance and participate in scientific research and studies in the field of specializations of the department, especially what aims to find solutions to various issues facing economic and social development.
    3. Communicating with the community and its institutions, providing engineering services and being open to the community, which encourages the public and private sectors to consolidate a good relationship with the university by providing consultations and holding specialized training courses in the various fields of mechanical engineering and according to the requirements of the community.
    4. Communicate with international universities and discreet exchange ofexperiences andmodern scientific information to develop thetheoretical aspects aswell asthe practical aspects andurged researchers to submit projects for funding andinternational grants.
    5. Support theethics ofscientific research.
    6. Urged researchers to submit projects for funding andinternational grants.