Research Orientation

The researches in the hydrology field

  • Study and analyze the drought phenomena and the prediction of its severity and frequency in different regions of Iraq.
  • Optimal operation of reservoirs to achieve the maximum benefits and proposed the simulation models for such reservoirs.
  • Time series analysis i.e rainfall, discharge … etc. using the artificial intelligence the traditional methods
  • Reducing the gap between water supply and demand by using integrated water management models in sustainable manner.
  • Study the flood phenomena and its frequency and the expected damage caused by it.
  • Water harvesting methods and selection of suitable sites for small dams.
  • Searching for the potential sites for hydropower generation.

    The researches in the hydraulics field

    • Study the flow characteristics like velocity distribution, the energy and resistance of flow due to roughness through different shapes of open channel constant cross section ,compound section and branching channels.
    • Study of flow over and through different shapes and conditions of weirs crest and sluice gates.
    • Study the scour around piers and downstream of weirs and sluice gates as well as the control the sediments and training the channel bed by using the spur dicks.

      The researches in the irrigation and drainage fieldMaximum benefit of available water for irrigation is a goal that is secured through the highest possible irrigation efficiency, and this is done:

      • Sprinkler irrigation is one of the systems through which irrigation is possible with high efficiency, when this is combined with the consistency of good water distribution, and that reflects positively on the water use efficiency and productivity.
      • using drip irrigation, where the irrigation efficiency is high, due to the low irrigation rates and the lack of surface runoff, as well as controlling or reducing the losses of deep percolation.
      • To display the increase in the economic return from minimum amount of water, especially in areas where water is limited, deficit irrigation is considered an appropriate strategy to increase the use efficiency of the available water resources.