Engineering Consultant Bureau – University of Mosul

Overview of the bureau :

The Engineering Consultant Bureau of University of Mosul was opened on 1/11/1980 by the University Order No. 328 of 8/1/1980, based on the Engineering Consultancy Offices Law No. (64) of 1979, which was replaced by Law No. 7 of 1997 On 26 July 1997. The Bureau provides the highest level of service in the engineering field with its high engineering capabilities. The Bureau has clear marks on reconstruction in the city of Mosul. It has become one of the main pillars on which all departments and state institutions depend on for consultancy and engineering services. Engineering and consultant for the general establishment of dams to maintain the Mosul Dam as well as solutions, consulting and engineering of the humpback and several mosques and marshes in Mosul to preserve the city’s heritage.

The Bureau has a long history of designing, designing, building the Nineveh Governorate, the communications building, the planning and follow-up building and the building of the presidency of the University of Mosul through the provision of advanced engineering designs and preserving the historical character of the city.

It also has a huge work at the level of the country in the cities of Basra, Anbar, Kirkuk and Salah al-Din and several other, including the audit of the streams of Kirkuk and the streams of Salah al-Din and oversee the implementation of the power station south of Baghdad and the Nineveh gas station and repair of electronic units of the General Company for Southern Fertilizers in Basra and the implementation of the balance For the North Refineries Company and the establishment of a database of the General Company for Northern Cement and the rehabilitation of the Nineveh International Hotel and the rehabilitation of the cement factory Badush and cement factory and the design of a laboratory repair equipment and machines in Erbil.

The Bureau provides engineering consulting services, designs and audits of building designs and treatments, in addition to engineering supervision of implementation, and services in the field of ICT and e-governance, and therefore depends on the human resources of teaching and technicians of the Faculty of Engineering and other colleges as necessary.

Chairmen of the Board:

No. Name Year
1 Prof. Dr. Mohammed Anees Al-Layllah 1980 – 1984
2 Prof. Dr. Burhan Mahmood Ahmed 1984 – 1992
3 Prof. Dr. Hisham Mustafa Alannaz 1992 – 2001
4 Prof. Dr. Moayed Saadallah Khalil 2001 – 2003
5 Prof. Dr. Mohammed Tayeb Al-layllah 2003 – 2009
6 Prof. Dr. Farooq Khalil Amouri 2009 – 2014
7 Prof. Dr. Bayar Jaafar Al-Sulayvani 2014 – 2019
8 Assist. Prof. Dr. Saad Zaghlool Saeed 2019 – 2024
9 Prof. Dr. Abdulrahim Ibrahim Jasim 2024 – Till Now


The Bureau Managers:

No. Name Year
1 Prof. Dr. Hasoon Aziz Hadid 1980 – 1984
2 Prof. Dr. Mohammed Anees Al-Layllah 1984 – 1988
3 Prof. Dr. Mudhafar Mahmood Alyousif 1988 – 1997
4 Prof. Dr. Khalil Hasan Said Marie 1997 – 2002
5 Prof. Dr. Wagah Farman Aljubori 2002 – 2003
6 Prof. Dr. Mossib Mohammed Jasim 2003 – 2005
7 Prof. Dr. Akram Younis Al-Saati 2005 – 2009
8 Prof. Dr. Burhan Mahmood Ahmed 2009 – 2014
9 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafid Ahmed Khalil 2014 – 2017
10 Assist. Prof. Dr. Suhaib Yahya Kasim 2017 – 2021
11 Assist. Prof. Amer Yahya Aljarjees 2021 – Till now


The Engineering Consultant Bureau at University of Mosul obtained the IQAS Iraqi accreditation certificate :

The Ministry of planning / Iraqi Accreditation Organization (Iraqi Accreditation System IQAS) awarded the international accreditation certificate to the laboratories of College of Engineering and the engineering consultant bureau at University of Mosul accordance with the requirements of the Specification ( ISO IEC 17025 / :2017 ) after it achieved the full requirements and general international standards of the competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. This accreditation was obtained in several major tests of Construction materials, Metallurgical, Chemical, Polymer, Environmental, Electrical and electronic devices available in the Departments of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering affiliated to College of Engineering at University of Mosul.

It is worth mentioning that the obtained accreditation will provide official recognition of the efficiency and merit of laboratories that have such efficiency, and therefore it provides customers with a way to choose reliable testing and calibration services, and in order to maintain this recognition, laboratories will be re-evaluated periodically by the accreditation body to ensure continuity of compliance with accreditation requirements and to ensure Service.

  • The role of the consultant bureau in the engineering projects and its importance in developing the expertise and capabilities of the faculty staff:

1- The consultant bureau contributes to providing engineering services to the various engineering projects being implemented in the country through the contribution of the staff working in it in the following:

A- Preparing engineering designs for projects in various disciplines (Architectural – Civil – Electrical – Mechanical – Environment – Computers – Mechatronics and Dams and Water resources)

Examples of this design are:

1- Najibiyah Bridge (Basra) 2014.

2- Rehabilitation of the third Bridge in Mosul 2020.

3- Rehabilitation of Tikrit Al-Alam Bridge 2019-2020.

4- Assessment of buildings (Communication-Electricity Directorate) Mosul 2019-2020

5- Evaluation of Caravan hospitals (30 beds – hospital and operating room – laboratories of Shifa Hospital) Mosul 2018-2019.

B- Evaluation and submission of methods to address affected projects/buildings in liberated areas, including:

1- Al Salam Hospital (Mosul) 2019-2021.

2- Central Bank Building (Mosul) 2019-2021.

3- Nablus Hospital (Mosul) 2019.

4- Al-Rafidain Bank / Um Al-Rabiean Branch (Mosul) 2018.

5- Rehabilitation of the Electricity Directorate Stores in Karama (Mosul) 2019.

6- Al-Qadisiyah Water Project (Tikrit) 2019.

7- Al-Hashimiyah Water Project (Babylon) 2019.

C- Conducting the necessary field tests to evaluate buildings and facilities, including:

Soil investigations, concrete tests and evaluation (wave/core/hammer test), mechanical tests (welding), electrical tests (cable and circuit breaker tests).

Among these projects are the tests and evaluation of concrete for buildings:

1- Talaafar Hospital.

2- Asiacell Building 2021.

3- Electricity buildings in Talaafar / Qayarah / Mosul, etc … .

4- the loading of Al-Muthana bridge (Dr. Salem Awad 2021.

5- Weld inspection and work quality (Al-Fatha bridge).

6- Tests and evaluation of the electrical grounding system for Al-Batool Hospital.

7- Soil investigations (Al-Batool Hospital / Mukashifa intersection / Schools / Other departments …).

D- Supervising engineering projects through which the consultant team provides solutions to all problems that may occur during implementation, including:

  • Supervising the manufacturing work of the Mosul Steel Factory,

Dr. Nowfal Idrees / Mr. Isam Al-Bakoa – Mechanical Department 2019-2020.

2- Supervising the rehabilitation work of the third bridge / Dr. Bayar Al-Sulayvani / Dr. Mohammed Najim / Dr. Sohaib Al-Durzy / Dr. Uday Asal 2019-2020.

3- Supervising the rehabilitation of Al-Sharqat Bridge / Salahaldeen province, Dr. Mohammed Najim / Dr. Sohaib Aldurzy 2019.

4- Supervising the rehabilitation of Al-Salam Hospital, Dr. Sufyan Kashmola.


The role of the consultant bureau in developing the expertise of the faculty staff is represented in their participation in solving practical problems that occur during the implementation of engineering projects by finding scientific solutions to them, each according to his specialization.

These problems are sometimes generalized by developing models that have been worked on to study through some research carried out by the faculty staff or through postgraduate students supervising them.

For example (A diploma study for the design of Al-Hadba Minaret in its oblique shape, Dr. Mohammad Najim / Civil Department – A diploma study to rehabilitate the box bridge that simulates the fourth bridge Dr. Suhaib Aldurzy – A Ph.D study on a problem in the rehabilitation of Tikrit Bridge Al-Alam / Dr. Bayar Al-Sulayvani).


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The Engineering Consultant Bureau – University of Mosul