Overview of Department – Department of Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics engineering is a modern specialization that combines mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer engineering. This specialization is growing rapidly day by day due to need for it in modern real-world applications.
The mechatronics engineering department was established in 2005, the department award the bachelor’s degree in mechatronics engineering. The first batch is graduated from the department in 2009-2010.
The department of mechatronics engineering is developing on both the infra structure and scientific levels in terms of providing more than 2500 m2 for class halls, labs and utilities, and updating the curricula to suit recent developments at the global level and to serve the needs and directions of our country. The department is providing high level of teaching through high qualified faculty members, well trained staff and modern laboratories.
The graduated engineer is that the individual who has the ability to work in a wide range of different technologies such as mechanics, electronics, control and systems to determine and use the required combination of those technologies and to solve a scientific problem or design a product or production process with the required scientific specifications.