
Sustainability:Sustainability is a term that first appeared in environmental science and then developed and spread widely in all fields including education.
Environmental sustainability refers to the sustainability, diversity and production of biological systems over time.As for human sustainability, it is our ability to maintain the quality of life in the long term, and this in turn depends on the preservation of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources.As for human resources, sustainability is the possibility of maintaining a long-term existence.This in turn has environmental, economic and social impacts.Renewable energy:Sustainability is a collective commitment to address current and future energy and climate challenges in innovative and responsible ways, reduce carbon emissions and facilitate carbon reuse, recycling and disposal.Renewable energy also contributes to addressing climate change, advancing sustainable development, and enhancing economic diversification by reducing carbon emissions and expanding technologies used to capture, use and store carbon. The international community will be able to continue growth, achieve sustainability, and harmonize its requirements between both energy and climate.Environmental policy of College of Engineering:The policy of environmental sustainability is an important part of the modern vision of our renewable university, University of Mosul in general and College of Engineering in particular. Where the environmental policy of College of Engineering is based on several axes, the most important of which are:
1. Educating the students and faculty members about the concept of environmental sustainability.
2. Presenting pioneering projects in the field of sustainability through holding periodic conferences and seminars on environmental pollution in our Arab countries and countries of the world and ways to treat or reduce it.
3. Encouraging students and faculty members to conduct scientific research on issues related to sustainability.
4. Trying to find appropriate solutions and adopting plans and programs to conserve energy and dispose of waste using the correct scientific methods.Programs:College of Engineering through some of its decisions, projects, and programs, is trying to achieve the objectives set by its environmental policy. The College represented by its Dean, Prof. Dr. AbdulRahim Ibrahim Jasim, its scientific and administrative departments, its faculty staff, and its employees cooperate to make University of Mosul in general a green university that is environmentally friendly.