Vision, Message and Goals

Department of Computer Engineering

Vision: That Department of Computer Engineering be distinguished by preparing qualified engineers and researchers with modern information to meet the needs of community and produce scientific research that keeps pace with the development of knowledge in the field of computer engineering and its applications.

Message : Distinguished education, solid scientific research and community service.


  1. Preparing engineers with a high level of knowledge and skill capable of building computer systems, analyzing and developing them, while following up them after graduation.
  2. Continuing to follow up the curricula to keep pace with scientific development in a manner that suits the needs of the labor market by adopting quality standards and using the latest methods.
  3. Working to keep abreast of the latest scientific research in various specializations within the lecturers research and theses of postgraduate students.
  4. Organizing seminars and holding scientific conferences and workshops with the colleges, government institutions and the private sector to solve problems and develop the work of these institutions.
  5. Providing academic, technical and scientific consultations in the fields of computer engineering to all governmental and private sectors of society.
  6. Guiding the students to teamwork, generating intrinsic motivation, keenness to find and understand the knowledge necessary to succeed in the tasks entrusted to them in the future, and aspiration to keep pace with the most prestigious scientific institutions in the field of computer engineering, and to adhere to professional ethics.