Vision, mission and goals

Vision: A leading role in the process of engineering scientific education and research in Iraq and abroad and contributing to sustainable national development.

Message: Distinguished Engineering Education, Scientific Research, Targeted at Community, Contribution to the Country’s Renaissance and Development.


1. The college selects the updated curricula in line with the pace of development and provide its graduates with rigorous educational programs to enable them to compete in the labor market and improve their abilities towards analytical and creative thinking by adopting academic accreditation .

2. Focusing on scientific research and its basic role in serving the community and solving its problems, encouraging faculty members and students to take this aspect into consideration while guiding and supporting capabilities and providing what is needed to achieve this .

3. Developing the human potential of the college to the maximum extent possible and giving the opportunity to young and talented leaders by highlighting their intellectual and professional faculties, which will be reflected on the performance of the college in particular and the university and community in general. This is done by applying the continuous quality system and institutional accreditation programs .

4. Enhancing the human, ethical and professional values ​​of the faculty members and students in a way that develops a sense of responsibility and cooperation within the one team and awareness towards the environment and community.

5. Strengthening communication with the graduates of the college in a way that supports the achievement of its mission.

6. Building partnerships and relations with distinguished institutions and universities.

7. The College emphasizes academic integrity, transparency and accountability.

8. The College appreciates and encourages intellectual excellence and creativity in various ways.

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