11 October، 2023

A teacher from our college is a member of a master’s thesis discussion committee in the beloved capital, Baghdad

Assistant Professor Dr. Aqeel Majid Hamid from the Department of Art Education participated as a member in the discussion of the student (Muhammad Riyad Muslim) and his thesis titled (Actor’s Skills for Black Comedy Shows in Iraqi Theater) at the College of Fine Arts at the University of Baghdad today, Monday, October 9, 2023. The discussion committee consisted of Messrs. Below
1- A. Dr.. Contact Kazem Odeh. University of Baghdad, President
2- A. Dr.. Jabbar Khamat Hassan. University of Baghdad, member
3- A. M. Dr.. Aqeel Majed Hamed. University of Mosul, member
4- A. Dr.. Muzaffar Kazem Al-Tayeb. University of Baghdad, member and supervisor


