
In continuation of the scientific research movement in the College of Fine Arts - University of Mosul, the master's thesis entitled (Cultural Fluidity and its Applications in the Performance of the Theatrical Actor - Selected [Read More]


(Rights and Duties of the Academic Student) Scientific Symposium in the Arts of the University of Mosul

The Department of Studies and Planning - Continuing Education Unit in our college organized a scientific symposium entitled (Organizing Advice on Protecting the Rights and Duties of the Academic Student) today, Thursday, November 7, 2024. [Read More]


The importance of media and social communication in promoting community peace. A scientific workshop on Mosul arts.

The Media and Studies and Planning departments organized a scientific workshop in our college on the importance of social media and its role in promoting community peace today, Wednesday, November 6, 2024, with the attendance [Read More]


Ministerial Instructions for Postgraduate Studies.. Scientific Course at the College of Fine Arts

The Departments of Studies and Planning, Postgraduate Studies, the Missions and Cultural Relations Unit, and the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit held a scientific course entitled (Ministerial Instructions Concerning Postgraduate Studies) today, Tuesday, October 29, 2024, [Read More]

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