
A lecturer from the College of Fine Arts at the University of Mosul, a member of the committee discussing his doctoral thesis

Assistant Professor Dr. Musab Ibrahim Muhammad from the Department of Dramatic Arts participated in the discussion of his doctoral thesis at the College of Fine Arts - University of Basra, entitled (The Rationality of Communicative [Read More]


A teacher from the College of Fine Arts holds a training course for the children of Al-Riheen Governmental Kindergarten

Within the directives of the university presidency to open up to state institutions and serve the community to obtain skills that support sustainable development, assistant lecturer Muhammad Tahseen Jamal, teaching in the Department of Fine [Read More]


A master’s thesis at the College of Fine Arts on stereotyping in the performance of the Kurdish theatrical actor

A scientific committee from the College of Fine Arts - University of Mosul and the University of Basra discussed the master’s thesis entitled (Stereotype in the Performance of the Kurdish Theater Actor) on Tuesday morning, [Read More]


A teacher from the College of Fine Arts as a member of a scientific arbitration committee at the University of Dohuk

Assistant Professor Dr. Munqith Muhammad Faisal, one of the teachers of the Department of performing Arts in our college, participated today, Sunday, October 22, 2023, in a scientific arbitration discussion committee for the student examiner, [Read More]


The mechanism of borrowing scientific sources and references. A lecture by the librarian of the College of Fine Arts

The Library Unit at the College of Fine Arts held a lecture entitled (Borrowing books and resources for graduation research for students of the Department of Fine Arts for the fourth stage) on Tuesday, October [Read More]

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