3 April، 2021

Marathon event on the 54th anniversary of the University of Mosul founding

The College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering has been participated in the activities and festival of the fifty-fourth anniversary of the founding of the University of Mosul on Thursday, April 1, 2021, as part of the Marathon event for students of the University of Mosul, where the college students scored three advanced positions in the marathon as follows:- The second place on the University of Mosul: student (Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad) / Petroleum Reservoir Engineering Department / First Stage,
– The sixth place on the University of Mosul: Student (Omar Hudhaifa Shaker) / Department of Petroleum and Refining Engineering / Fourth Stage
– The eleventh place on the University of Mosul: student (Ahmad Najm al-Din Abdul Razzaq) / Department of Petroleum and Refining Engineering / fourth stage, and these advanced centers are a great achievement for the college.The number of participants in the marathon that took place were 120 students from all colleges of the University of Mosul, and Dr. Walid Al-Basso /Officer of Student Activities Department at the college was assigned to carry the flag torch for this marathon and deliver it to the President of the University of Mosul during the event.

