Vision, mission and goals

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is one of the colleges of the University of Mosul. It was established in 1977 to graduate specialized staff in sports education. The duration of study is 4 years, after which, the student awards a bachelor’s degree in physical education.

College Vision:

  • To be a specialized college in physical sciences and its supporting sciences.
  • To be of benefit at the level of the region and country.
  • To be a well-Known college with its excellent educational and sports education.
  • To have a solid rank in scientific research, this leads to the advancement of knowledge, profession, and society.
  • Graduating proficient graduates to make the country ranks among the developed countries.

College Message:

  • Education: providing specialized educational academic programs for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, also, provides a good educational environment to make graduates have high professional experience.
  • Research: Providing an advanced research environment to make professors, researchers, and students able to do researches in sports and physical fields.
  • Leadership: promoting leadership capabilities for both teachers and students to make them safely lead any sports community.
  • Community service: interacting with the community and engaging in the development of fitness and the health of community members.

College Objectives:

  • Allowing everyone to develop the physical, skill, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects to achieve ideal sports achievement.
  • Paying attention to promoting leadership, individual motives, and activating academic and educational communication.
  • Planning for the preparation of proficient teaching stuff.
  • Paying attention to the sciences that are directly related to physical achievement.
  • Supporting creative thinking to solve problems.

Qualifying teaching staff and community institutions by holding courses, lectures, and discussions to raise their track in general.