7 June، 2022

Faculty of Science adds IR spectrum device to its scientific laboratories

Continuing the approach of the Faculty of Science in the development of its corridors and scientific laboratories, today it is adding an advanced device in spectrum analysis, the IR spectrum device, to scientific laboratories in the Department of Chemistry to be added to the list of scientific devices that the College seeks to provide to students and researchers in support of their scientific career.The Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Hiyam Adel Ibrahim, accompanied by the associates and the head of the chemistry department, inspected the laboratory of the device to see its readiness and the specialized team to train it to become available to measure the models for researchers and graduate students in the near future.It is worth mentioning that our college is moving forward and racing against time to provide modern scientific laboratories to be announced soon with the blessing efforts of Mrs. Dean and the cooperation of the departments of the college and the specialized staff in the deanship in the service of our students and researchers, which in turn will contribute to the advancement of our college and university.

