Vision, Mission and Objectives

Our Vision

Our essential vision is creating a steady environment based on scientific approaches that combine the basics and continuous development towards community service and excellence in the dissemination of knowledge in the field of theoretical and Applied Sciences to reach high levels of performance for faculty members and students.


Our Mission

The mission of the college is represented in updating and disseminating information in the fields of Pure Sciences and Applied Sciences. This would serve the industrial and environmental needs of society and brush up the talents of students and develop their capabilities to help improve the society. Moreover, our mission is seen in saving competent graduates, to fill diverse opportunities locally and regionally, with high efficiency and professional experiences.


Objectives of the College

The College of Science seeks to achieve the following goals:
1- Providing high-quality academic curricula linking theoretical education with laboratory expertise and a competitive level of regional levels while looking to reach international levels through continuous updating of curricula.
2- Encouraging scientific research in the fields of Pure and Applied Sciences with an attempt to focus on applied research that serves society and build bridges of connection and confidence with society.
3- Providing the society with well-educated and highly-qualified people to fulfil the highly-demanded job opportunities offered by employers.
4- Meeting the technical and environmental needs of the society and finding solutions to the problems of various institutions. This is done through enriching them by precise majors supported by solid scientific research.