23 January، 2023

The College of Science receives a delegation from the Iraqi Geological Survey

Embodying the frameworks of cooperation and openness with state institutions and departments, and emphasising the approach of the university of Mosul and the College of Science in that regard, the Dean of the College of Science, Prof. Dr. Hiyam Adel Ibrahim, received a delegation from the Iraqi Geological Survey, which included Mr. Arqam Waad Allah Qassem and Mr. Omar Elias Khader in the presence of the head of the Department of Geology, Prof. Dr. Omar Ahmed Mouloud Al Badrani, on Monday morning, the 23rd of January 2023.During the meeting, they discussed the mechanism of constructive cooperation between the College of Science and the Iraqi Geological survey agency by doing workshops and training courses for employees and students of the Department of Geology in our college. Furthermore, provide the department museum with new Geological and structural maps and rock samples collected from different regions of Iraq.In her turn, the Dean expressed her thanks and appreciation to the visiting delegation for providing the college with these valuable maps and samples, thanking their tremendous effort in collecting the samples, and wishing them all the best in serving our country.

