7 February، 2023

A scientific lecture on the seismic reality in Nineveh Governorate

Under the supervision and presence of the dean of the College of Science, Professor Dr Hiyam Adel Ibrahim, and the presence of the dean’s assistant for scientific and administrative affairs, and the heads of the scientific departments in the college. The Department of Geology in our college held a scientific lecture entitled (The Seismic Reality in the Governorate of Nineveh) on Tuesday, the 7th of February, 2023.The lecture was presented by Zainab Mossadeq Najeeb Shanshil, Lecturer at the Department of Geology, in the presence of a number of the academic staff and students of the college. The lecturer discussed the dangers of earthquakes as the most common causes of disasters that occur suddenly and can cause great destruction and huge loss of human lives and property. Especially along the boundaries of the earth’s crust’s tectonic plates, where many active faults and earthquakes occur due to pressure on the rocks in the earth’s crust, which allows sudden movements along cracks and faults. Iraq, in General, and Nineveh Governorate particularly, is considered one of the tectonically stable areas where strong earthquakes rarely occur on its lands, except for some aftershocks, as happened days ago.

