25 November، 2020

The College of Science celebrates its first and outstanding graduates for the 2019-2020 academic year

On a beautiful morning in the morning of our dear city, and in the districts of our generous university and in the vast hall of the Department of Chemistry, under the supervision and presence of the Dean of the College of Science, Assistant Professor Dr.Hayam Adel Ibrahim Al-Taii and the members of the distinguished Council of the College of Science,the College of Science held a ceremony honoring the first and outstanding students on College departments for the academic year 2019-2020. The first and outstanding students of the college wore the robe of scientific and intellectualexcellence, a garment that was cut by their fingertips throughout
their university life, to reap the fruit of their effort with a symbolic and moral honor offered to them by the College of Science.The ceremony, which was attended by a group of faculty teachers and students’ parents, began with verses from the Holy Quran,followed by Mr. Wael Abdel Qader Al Qazzaz, then the national anthem was played and Surat Al-Fatiha was read to the souls of the martyrs of Iraq.After that, the Dean gave a speech in which she praised the excellence and distinction of the first and outstanding students and urged them to earnestly andpersevere in the pursuit of knowledge because they were the
messengers of knowledge in transmitting the true picture of all knowledge and applied knowledge they will receive in the workplace after graduation, followed by a video presentation Introducing the first class
students, then the ceremony culminated in the distribution of thank you books to the first and outstanding students and some symbolic gifts in appreciation of their efforts by the Dean and the heads of the college departments.In response to this and out of pride, the students ’parents on behalf of their children offered
words of thanks to their teachersfor their efforts in embracing them to gain knowledge and take care of them as their parents.

