Dr. Bassema Ahmed Abdullah participated in a training course for the PCR technique and Real Time PCR in Nahrain University / Research Center DNA and DNA
Dr. Bassema Ahmed Abdullah participated in a training course for the PCR technique and Real Time PCR in Nahrain University / Research Center DNA and DNA
Biology Department Library College of Science received one copy of the Journal of the Science of Iraq Issue 3 / folder / 24 for the year 2013
Biology Department Library College of Science received one copy of the Journal of the Science of Iraq Issue 3 / folder / 24 for the year 2013
Biology Department Library College of Science received one copy of the magazine Mamoon University College Issue / Volume 21/2 for the year 2013
Biology Department Library College of Science received one copy of the magazine Mamoon University College Issue / Volume 21/2 for the year 2013
Biology Department Library College of Science Received one copy of the book (Contents scientific names of plants and agricultural pests deployed in Iraq) to the author Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Karim Mohamed Hayali / College of Agriculture / University of Mosul
Biology Department Library College of Science Received one copy of the book (Contents scientific names of plants and agricultural pests deployed in Iraq) to the author Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Karim Mohamed Hayali / College [Read More]
Biology Department Library College of Science Received one copy of the Jordanian Journal of Biological Sciences / 1 vol / 6 for the year 2013
Biology Department Library College of Science Received one copy of the Jordanian Journal of Biological Sciences / 1 vol / 6 for the year 2013
Biology Department Library College of Science Received one copy of the news letter design entitled Primer Dising the number 1 / folder / 1 for the year 2013
Biology Department Library College of Science Received one copy of the news letter design entitled Primer Dising the number 1 / folder / 1 for the year 2013
Doctoral student Amjad Abdul-Hadi Mohammed was discussed for his thesis tagged (keep the plants islands Daucus carota L. Rol-genes group resulting from the tissues of transgenic bacteria Agrobacterium rhizogenes R 1601) on Wedensday 26/6/2013 at the presence of life sciences masters
Doctoralstudent Amjad Abdul-Hadi Mohammed was discussed for his thesis tagged (keep the plants islands Daucus carota L. Rol-genes group resulting from the tissues of transgenic bacteria Agrobacterium rhizogenes R 1601) on Wedensday 26/6/2013 at the [Read More]
A doctoral student Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil Ibrahim al-Tai was discussed for his thesis tagged (a study on the possibility of using fungi to treat some types of environmental pollution)
A doctoral student Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil Ibrahim al-Tai was discussed for his thesis tagged (a study on the possibility of using fungi to treat some types of environmental pollution) on Monday 24/6/2013 in the presence [Read More]
Doctoral student Amjad Abdul-Hadi Mohammed gave a seminar entitled (keep the plants islands Daucus carota L. Rol-genes group resulting from the tissues of transgenic bacteria Agrobacterium rhizogenes R 1601)
Doctoral student Amjad Abdul-Hadi Mohammed gave a seminar entitled (keep the plants islands Daucus carota L. Rol-genes group resulting from the tissues of transgenic bacteria Agrobacterium rhizogenes R 1601) on Sunday 06.23.2013 at the presence [Read More]
Adoption Dr. Abdel Rahman Basil Fadel / assistant professor in the department of chemistry as refry to the publishing house global Elsever
Adoption Dr. Abdel Rahman Basil Fadel / assistant professor in the department of chemistry as refry to the publishing house global Elsever and now makes a scientific assessment of the magazine: Journal of Environmental Management
Dr. Rabah Ali Khalil / professor in the Department of Chemistry participated in the Ninth Conference of Science and Technology Nano-Nano TR-9))
Dr. Rabah Ali Khalil / professor in the Department of Chemistry participated in the Ninth Conference of Science and Technology Nano-Nano TR-9)) and which will be held at the University of Ataturk for the period [Read More]
Mr. Dean of the College of Science and gentlemen aides gather around the new section laboratories processing
Mr. Dean of the College of Science, Prof. Dr. Emad Abdul-Qader Aldboni meet with both Prof. Dr. Anwar Mustafa Ezzat Associate scientific and assistant prof.Dr. Qassem Yahya Rahawi Associate Administrative Officer Division contracts at the [Read More]
Dispatch Mr. "Amer Rejab Mahmoud Al-Taii / employee in the registration of the College of Science to Baghdad
Dispatch Mr. Amer Rejab Mahmoud to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the period from 25-6 and to 3-7 for the purpose of auditing and documentation of students admitted in our college [Read More]
Dispatch Dr. Mohamed Hussein Mikael / Assistant Professor / College of Science / University of Tikrit
Decides to dispatch Dr. Mohammed Hussein Mikael to Tikrit University / College of Education to attend to discuss a doctoral student names Hashim Shaker for a period of one day as of 29/06/2013
Dispatch Dr. Hassan Najih Shaykhu / Assistant Professor / College of Science / University of Tikrit
Dispatch Dr. Hassan successful Shaykhu / Assistant Professor / Faculty of Science to the University of Tikrit / College of Science to discuss student MA Aziz Saleh Ali for one day 24/06/2013
Advertising College of Science / General Secretariat of the Arab Federation for the chemical and petrochemical industries evaluate the forum and the second Arab exhibition in Amman – Jordan
The Secretariat of the Arab Union of Industries chemical and petrochemical forum and exhibition second Arab in Amman - Jordan for the period between 27 to 28/11/2013 Under the slogan of "Techniques of oil and [Read More]
Mr. Dean of the College of Science, directs the book of thanks and appreciation to Mr. Dean of the Faculty of safe University / Baghdad
Mr. Dean, }خممثلث of Science. D.Imad Abdul Qadir Aldboni directs the book of thanks and appreciation to Mr. Dean of the Faculty of safe university a. D.Abdul Jalil Abdul Wahid Imran due to Dedicate 21 [Read More]
Dispatch Prof. Dr. Nabil Hadi Butrus / Department of Chemistry / College of Science / to University of Tikrit
Dispatch Prof. Dr. Nabil Hadi Butrus from the Department of Chemistry in the College of Science, to University of Tikrit to attend the MA student discussion will be held on 06/26/2013
Got Mr. Mohammed Adnan Mohammed / Department of Chemistry / Science / got a patented
Mr. Mohammed Adnan Mohammed / Department of Chemistry / College of Science Has been patented : aboutthe production of acid battery with gel type in the Ministry of Planning / Central Agency for Standardization and [Read More]
Prof. Dr. Adnan Osman Omer / Department of Chemistry / College of Science / whirlpool in the section after returning from the U.S. state of California
Prof. Dr. Adnan Osman Omer/ Department of Chemistry / College of Science / proceeded spiral in section after returning from the U.S. state of California, within the development cycle of teaching staffs out of Iraq