Vision, Mission & Objectives – Geology
Building a scientific department in a modern system with advanced curricula and competent scientific staff that match world standards, as well as striving to make the department.
a scientific edifice with specialized and technically advanced scientific laboratories furnished with all modern scientific equipment and devices.
The Department of Geology sought to provide the scientific community of the country with qualified graduates who participate in the implementation of development plans and raise the levels of civilizational progress at the academic and applied levels in the field of Earth Sciences.
The importance of Geology comes from the fact that it provides the requirements of human life. This stems from the reality that each branch of geology has a strong connection with industrial, agricultural, economic or service aspects of life. The main objectives are the following:
1- Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and conducting scientific, academic and applied research in the domains of Geology.
2- Saving or providing highly-qualified specialists to implement plans and draw strategies for different institutions of the government.
3- Standing (the department) as a consulting front for the projects of the state geological departments, participating in the implementation of geological programs for the private and public sector.
4- Implemeting service projects in support of investment projects in the country.