
The College of Tourism Sciences, University of Mosul, Received the Students of the Administrative Technical Institute, Department of Tourism Techniques and Hotel Management

The College of Tourism Sciences received students from the Administrative Technical Institute, Nineveh as a part of cultural activities among students. Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs , Asst. Prof. Bashar Hassan Yusuf, gave a talk [إقرأ المزيد]


The Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs participated in the Third International Conference of the College of Basic Education in cooperation with the University of Duhok

Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs Assistant Professor Dr. Manal Raafat Khaled participated in the Third International Scientific Conference of the College of Basic Education in cooperation with the University of Duhok under the title: "Education [إقرأ المزيد]


The Assistant Dean for Managerial Affairs participated in the peace course held in the College of Arts in cooperation with Human Rights Organization

Assistant Dean for Managerial Affairs Assistant Professor Dr. Bashar Hassan Yousif participated in the works of the scientific symposium held in the College of Arts in cooperation with the Human Rights Organization entitled (The Peace [إقرأ المزيد]


Assistant Dean for Managerial Affairs participated in the Sixth International Scientific Conference of the College of Political Sciences

Assistant Dean for Managerial Affairs Assistant Professor Dr. Bashar Hassan Yousif participated in the 6th International Scientific Conference of the College of Political Sciences on 22/3/2018 under the title "Problems of Coexistence and Integration in [إقرأ المزيد]


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The Dean of Tourism Sciences College Welcomes the President’s Assistant for Administrative Affairs and the Dean of the Administration and Economics College.

The Dean of the Tourism Sciences College Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Nayef Mahmoud welcomed the visit of the President's Assistant for Administrative Affairs Prof. Dr. Waheed Mahmoud Ramo Al-Ibrahimi and, the Dean of the Administration [إقرأ المزيد]


Head of the Hotel Management Department, Asst.Prof.Dr. Manal Abdel-Jabbar Ibrahim Al-Sammak was chosen among the encyclopedia of leading Arab women’s personalities.

The jury and supervision committee of Entrepreneurship Encyclopedia of Arab Women Figures chose Asst. Prof. Dr. Manal Abdel-Jabbar Ibrahim Al-Sammak, Head of the Hotel Management Department at the College of Tourism Sciences, as the sixth [إقرأ المزيد]


Follow-up summer training for students in the departments of tourism and hotel management at the College of Tourism Sciences.

The College of Tourism Sciences follows summer training for students in tourism and hotel management departments, who have been distributed in several institutions and tourist spheres. Asst.lecturer Awham Saadallah Saleh, who is responsible for the [إقرأ المزيد]


Asst. Prof . Manal Rafat Khaled, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, participates in the discussion of a diploma Thesis

Asst . Prof .Manal Raafat Khaled, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs at the College of Tourism Sciences, participated as a member of the discussion committee of diploma student ” Qais Ahmed Zeid al-Jubouri “ and [إقرأ المزيد]

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