Department of Microbiology


In accord with the vision of the College of Veterinary Medicine, our vision is to produce highly qualified and knowledgeable students, skilled in all fields of microbiology, virology, mycology, parasitology, immunology and biology.


Providing students of the first and third stages with theoretical, practical and applied information related to veterinary microbiology. In addition, our mission is to promote good quality education and research and to provide the most rigorous training in the discipline of microbiology.


1- Give students the basic concepts of microorganisms and parasites.

2- To expand and develop student’s knowledge of how diseases caused by microorganisms, as well as their life cycles and functions.

3- Prepare graduate students with full knowledge and research skills for professional careers in microbiology.

4-Working with our staff to make sure that our students are receiving the high quality of science.

5- Improve opportunities for research for department’s members as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.

6- Updating our lectures and teaching materials to be kept in touch with global scientific research.
