Electronic lectures for the academic year 2020-2021:
The first stage:
Animal Management L1, Animal Management L2, Animal Management L3
Anatomy L1, Anatomy L2, Anatomy L3
Biology L1, Biology L2, Biology L3
The second stage:
Nutrition L1, Nutrition L2
Histology L1, Histology L2
Biochemistry L 1, Biochemistry L 2
The third stage:
Immunology L1, Immunology L2, Immunology L3
Toxicology L1, Toxicology L2
The fourth stage:
Co-morbidities L1, co-morbidities L2
Surgery L1, Surgery L2
Internal Medicine L1, Internal Medicine L2
Infectious diseases L 1, Infectious diseases L 2, Infectious diseases L 3
The Fifth Stage:
Food heygen L1, Food heygen L2, Food heygen L3
Meat heygen L1, Meat heygen L2, Meat heygen L3
Reproductive technologies L 1, Reproductive Technologies L 2
Fish diseases L 1, fish diseases L 2